Wednesday, January 5, 2011


In my 3-Dimensional design class we had to create a mask combining two different animals that described our personalities. Then we had to go as a whole class in our animal customs to the coffee shop and order a drink. My final mask is actually not a mask at all but rather two significant features of the kangaroo and snowy owl designed so that I could become these creatures.

On the outside I am a happy and bouncing kangaroo. I’m always jumping around in excitement about life and loving my family and friends. 

On the inside I am an introspective owl who is always watching and observing human nature. I wrestle with the flaws of mankind and it pains me to see the suffering of others. I’m in a constant battle with trying to combat the world’s corruption. I survey life and try to understand the human mind and heart. I burrow myself in my thoughts as the snowy owl rests in the snow. 

My head is always full of ideas, projects, and tangents of philosophy that it can be hard to sleep at night. Similar to the snowy owl I rarely sleep and hunt during the day and hours of the night observing and contemplating life's anomalies.  The main food source of the snowy owl is lemmings, which are creatures that metaphorically symbolize followers. I’ve always been at war with the media and refuse to conform to its ways of “normality.”

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